Thursday, October 28, 2010

This and That

I don't even have a decent title for you. My brain is full of food -lol. I think having three square meals a day has fogged up my brain. It's kind of funny.

That got me to thinking about over indulging. When I am traveling for business (or otherwise) I indulge like crazy. I would never think of spending $30 or $40 on a dinner every night.. but when I know that is my limit, I tend to shoot for the stars. I never eat this much meat, or fried food or drink that many sugary espresso drinks in one day. However - that's where I find myself. I am going to need a wheel barrow to get me through Zumba on Saturday!

What do you indulge in? In my younger days (like elementary school days) I would indulge in ice cream or butterscotch discs. As a teen ager it was make up or Dr. Pepper. In college it was beer - and as an adult it was wine and martinis and random crap for the house.

Now? Books, music, and indulgent food.

Oh blasted sweet gluttony. ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think your title was just perfect. It is easy to indulge on food when you are traveling on business and you are given a per deum per day. As for what I indulge in, that would absolutely be books! I can't help myself.


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