Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Looking for a sign

I must admit, this scene from Under the Tuscan Sun is pretty much how I view life... Please take a moment and watch.

I find I make my decisions by looking for a sign. El Segno.

If I trace my steps back over the years: I stay open, I listen to my heart, and then I move forward. Following my heart, my intuition, I find myself in a wide variety of situations. For the most part, I end up on this super adventurous path, full of lessons and bumps and just more to add to my little life story.

This week, I have been wide open to signs...

Here is what I found on Saturday in the mail -

It was nothing more than a rewards certificate from DSW, but the message on the front of that bright green envelope made me smile. I thought to myself, "Perhaps that is where this elusive happiness is residing.. inside my heart."

If you have been following along with my blog, Sunday night was a tough one for me. I felt sad, lonely, ugly - just an overall failure. As I was driving home on Monday from a coffee meeting with a friend, I saw this on Hwy 31, and snapped a quick shot with you cell phone:
Again, just another reminder that I am a beautiful person, inside and out. I am not a failure, nor is anyone traveling down the road of life.

I recovered just long enough to have a crappy Tuesday night. After a terrible fight with someone I love, and no word on any of the resumes I shot out - I was feeling numb again.

Then today, I have another coffee chat with another friend, found some perspective, and later - I grabbed one of the Dove Dark Chocolate's out of my candy dish to discover this:

El segno.

Kindness is popping up in such surprising places. My Zumba Instructor/friend found out about my situation, and sent me the sweetest text message to remind me she was praying for me and that to NOT cancel my classes, to come and come for free.

Then today, I checked my mailbox and one of my other dear friends sent me a hilarious card and inside she commented on my blog post and reminded me that #22 would not do, and included a $25 gift certificate to Starbucks.

Kindness. Like I have never experienced before... ever.

I am looking for signs... El Segno... hoping to find my new path. I DO believe something good can come from all of the roads I have taken, the random, twisted paths.

Here I am, I find myself stranded in Birmingham. No job. No family. Friends I have only known less than 5 years.

I have spent my entire life - working, trying to achieve amazing things. Maybe this is the time to let the universe speak to me.

Maybe it's time to go a little wild... take some random chances... see the signs...

I feel like the quotes in that trailer speak volumes...


One of my favorite closings in a movie... and wise words for me... and you.


highheeledlife said...

Things happen for reasons ~ though we may not know or understand the reason ~ it may take a day, a week, a month or year(s) but I do believe each step - good and not as good; is part of the journey to lesson(s) we are to learn and the journey we must take.

Looks like you are getting so very loud and clear messages!!! Our spirit guides and Angels work in wonderful ways - all we need to do is keep an open mind, heart and eye.

I have been following your blog for a while ... and one thing I admire.. no matter what is happening you do try and lok at the silver lining .. you are a beautiful person inside and out ... you seem to wear your haert on your sleeve and are a giving person. People who call you friend are very blessed ... wishing you a beautiful, week..xo HHL

Bossy Betty said...

Sounds like the universe is speaking to you and you are willing to receive the messages!

scrapwordsmom said...

I love that you NOTICED the Universe was speaking to you, Nicole. Most times it {or He} does yet we don't listen because we are in too much of a hurry. And maybe now without a job you can take that time and REALLY begin to decide where it is you want to go and who it is you want to become.

It's never too late to become who you might have been.

One of my fave quotes:)

Loved that ending btw. I have never watched that movie. I think I should!!



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