Thursday, January 20, 2011

Get Thee to a Nunnery - Part Two

Part of me wonders if I should take a short sabbatical after Heart Month is over, and the egyptian has flown the coop. If you will remember, back in May of 2009, I decided to spend one weekend at a monastery in North Alabama. It was a way for me to reconnect, with myself and God.

I am a little frazzled (as you can clearly tell from my previous post.) Lots going on, and most of it is really good, just very demanding and exhausting. Some is so life changing, I am not sure if I am glad I am so busy or if I would prefer to stew over it a bit. Either way, it's all happening and it is happening VERY fast.

I have only 2 weeks left until the egyptian heads to NYC. I have two hard core weeks of a media tour. Seriously, every day there is a difference opportunity. Yesterday, I helped with an interview for the Shelby County Reporter, today? a radio interview with a Christian Station. It will continue like this until Feb 4th. Guess what? The egyptian leaves the 5th. No time to breathe.

The very next week or so we have a big Research Reception for the AHA (on my birthday) and I leave for a business trip the very next day. All in all.. no time to just be. Then there is the International Stroke Conference research to get out to the public, followed by the Heart Ball the very next weekend.

That's what I mean when I say I need a quick sabbatical. Just go off somewhere (technology free) and just read and write and pray and sleep. The monastery was great for that.

I know it seems a bit extreme going to a monastery, but I like to take things to the next level for relaxation. There is a convent up there also. I wonder if I can stay there. I might send them a message... seriously... I need it.

What about you? How far will you go to gain peace of mind?


Bossy Betty said...

I think it sounds like a great idea. We all need those times of solace and solitude.

Yenta Mary said...

I've always wanted to find peace, solitude and myself at a religious retreat like that. Go for it! There's so much chaos in daily life, and we all need to be restored sometimes ....

Unknown said...

Hmmm, I have never gone on a sabbatical but mentally I do as much as possible. Spending time alone for me is the best medicine either that or spending time with lots of good friends. Both ends of the spectrum seem to work great. Hope your hanging in there.

Unknown said...

I would do it - I think that would be fabulous!!

Leanne said...

I need to slow down when I read ... at first glance, I thought you said you had an interview with "Christian Slater" and I thought, "WOW! He's into a Healthy Heart?? That's so cool!!!" then, after re-reading, I realized it was a "Christian Station".

Oh, dear.

That's just a little peek at how this brain works - which you are already so familiar with!

Thinking of you and wishing you a production and POSITIVE 2 weeks, my friend.

Anonymous said...

I never have to go very far to gain piece of mind. Sometimes my morning commute on the train is a great place to gain some perspective. Or I go to park, when it's warm.

I find I can find peace almost anywhere, as long as I'm in the mood for seeking it.

But I've had my bad moments, and those times are usually when I ditch everything and just run away. Spend a couple weeks in Boston, go home to VT, move as far away from my problems as possible... literally. I had to travel 6000 miles away from Hawaii to escape all the toxic feelings and thoughts I was dealing with there...

You do what you have to do to get your head straight. Besides, it never hurts to get away from yourself for a couple days.


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