Thursday, June 10, 2010

Son of a..


Mammogram results came back.

Have to go back for more digital imaging.

Apparently an indention of some kind.

They want to check to see if this is normal for me... or...

Son of a bitch.


Unknown said...

Yikes! I know that a lot of my friends have had the same thing & it just came out to be scar tissue or swollen glands.. I'll keep you in my thoughts!!

Nicole said...

Thank you. I. am. just. overwhelmed. I never get good news when I head to my gyno. It's never ending. ;-) I have an appointment on Monday at 8:30 for more tests. God willing - it is just as you said.. something else.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I can't imagine what you're thinking right now. Prayers & positive thoughts are going out to you.

Leanne said...

Damn! Ok, I'm thinking of you and sending you LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of positive and good energy! (It sounds REALLY bad to say that I am thinking of you and your breasts - but you know what I mean.) I believe that keeping yourself positive is really important right now. And Keep Laughing. . . it's a must!

Anonymous said...

Hope it all turns out alright :/

Nicole said...

Thanks everyone! Sincerly.

Laura Rowe [twirl] said...

gorgeous pics nicole!!! We need to chat- I went through a similar situation YESTERDAY!


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