Friday, May 21, 2010

C.P.R. - My version

I bet you did not know that CPR week is coming up!? Sure.. sure.. nationally it will be CPR week and yes, I will do my little "shout out" on why it is important.

But as I sit here on my lunch break, trying to figure out what to write about - that stack of CPR stickers laying on my desk are just staring at me.

CPR... Chronic Public Relations. Carcinogenic Public Restrooms.. Crabby Pubic Region..

I don't know. I am lost.

That's what I do before I blog - I look around and see if anything strikes me. Yesterday, I heard a story about Lance Armstrong and the whole "doping" thing (again) - so I thought about the freedom of riding a bike.

Before that I had just applied coconut oil to my hair (as a detangler) and it made me think of the sea.

All the inspiration I have today is right in front of me.

Sooo.. with that in mind.. what do I see? For one- it is RAINiNG  SO BAD. I hear thunder, I don't see anything that even closely resembles a sun, and the sky simply looks as if it is depressed and crying. Well - that's no fun to write about. Then there is the sinfully good Lime-cream Slush I am drinking from Sonic. I needed a little sunshine for my tummy. (My Trainer and Cardiologist are just gonna LOVE that one.)

Then.. I see the stickers... for CPR week. BOOO.

There are sooooo many things I would much rather discuss with you all. But unfortnately (or fortunately.. in most cases) - the readership is GROWING. I kind of have to censor my super private thoughts on the crappy people that surround me. :-(  I know.. I know.. you are not alone in this people. I am actually quite cynical and have experienced a lashing or two (in the past) over sarcastic obeservations of people I know. I swear I did not use names.. but.. well.. apparently my descriptive writing is so visual - they KNEW who I was talking about. BOOOOO.

Speaking of readers - WOWZA. We have 94 through Blog Networks on Facebook, 31 through google, and 151 "fans" on the Facebook page. Awsome! Welcome Welcome Welcome. I never thought more than 20 of my closest friends would ever even bother to read from time to time. If you are a reader, and have not subscribed - please do! I would love to know who is out there.. plus I would love some feedback.

For the regulars - I am soooo happy you stop by from time to time. Please know, I definitely read your blogs and I am enjoying every word! I feel like I know you! :-)

Well .. I guess the love fest can end there. I have to conduct an interview for an intern in about 45 minutes. God willing.. I have a weiner. (Yes, I said weiner.. that's how I say winner. It is habit.)

Have a great day folks.. sorry.. no inspiration today WAS the inspiration for this post.


Leanne said...

Feel like I know you, too! :O Have a great weekend. You know what? Even No Inspiration makes a great read from time to time!!! (And, seriously - Lime Cream Slush? Hmmmm...they opened a Sonic not far from my home about a year ago. I have never been ... but lime cream slush might just be worth the trip!)

Anonymous said...

Yes, sometimes being uninspired can lead to an inspired post! Great work, today, Nicole!


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