Friday, May 7, 2010

Allergies, Red Bows and Radio Interviews

Life may disappoint us from time to time, but it never fails to teach me something new.

Yesterday was a loooong, interesting day.

Most of it was work-related.

With that - I realized something, my life and my work is rarely boring.

I spent the majority of the morning preparing myself and my guests for the "Care Giving Doctor" radio show. It is a one hour show dedicated to "helping people" with resources and information. It is aired on the 3rd most listened to radio station in Birmingham, and the #1 Gospel station in town. I brought a neurologist, a continuing care nurse and professor, and a therapist to talk about Stroke and the prevalence in the african american community. Amazing interview, honest and open questions from the audience and heartfelt answers from the guests.


A job well done all around. I really TRULY think we might have made a difference. THAT's when I LOVE my job.

Then I get back to the office to realize that one of the top stroke/epidemiologist researchers in town is troubled by the lack of stroke awareness. Of course they always point at the media (that's me) and it simply troubled me... YES we are getting the message out there.. and YES we have a long way to go in educating people about Stroke.

It's one complicated subject.

What to do? What to do?

Needless to say.. I think I found a solution to pleasing everyone and that subject is closed.

Now let's talk about Allergies. I don't think I am allergic to tree pollen like I once thought. It's the grass pollen that gets me. After the shower of yellow subsided, I decided to walk way from my Nasanex for a while. BIG mistake. I have sneezed half a dozen times while trying to type this.

Sooo.. I am back on the sauce.. lol.. the allergy sauce.

Now on to Red Bows - I totally did not get to go to my French cooking class with my friend Tiffany. :-( I had to go to The Club instead and help set up for the Go Red For Women Luncheon. I am not one for "labor related" tasks - ha ha.. but I found myself putting chair covers on 200 chairs and then puting red bows on them. Yeah.. I learned how to tie a red bow around a chair.. kind of like a sash.

Ladies and gents - I have a whole new appreciation for caters and event planners. lol

That leads me to today - The Go Red For Women Luncheon in Birmingham. I will be popping over there in a few minutes...

With that, I must leave my sweet readers. I will be back.. and YES - I have a HOT topic I have researched!! Female Genital Mutilation. Oh yeah.. I said it. It makes me sad. (Female Circumsizing (sp).)


Anonymous said...

"Life may disappoint us from time to time, but it never fails to teach me something new."

That is a great line!

Anonymous said...

I don't have allergies *knock on wood* But they sound horrible!

Nicole said...

Oh Cassandra - this "allergy" phenom is new to me - yes,... 30s are hell. Just wait - the body goes CRAZY!


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