Tuesday, September 28, 2010

P is for Positive

Mark Victor Hansen says,      “Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.”
That's sort of the philosophy of the day. Plus, I think that is the greatest piece of advice anyone could actually accept.

Part of the "Life is a Journey, Not a Destination" quote that I love the most is just that core piece that Hansen mentioned above - "Don't wait until everything is just right." That is probably the biggest lesson I learned in my 30s. I am never going to be thin enough, rich enough, smart enough, perfect enough to "start" anything. Never. But if I keep waiting for this or that to come into play, I may end up losing some really valuable years of life. We are NOT guaranteed tomorrow, why wait?

That's where the POSITIVE attitude has GOT to come into play. Hell No, I am not suzy sunshine, nor will I ever be. But that is OKAY. That does not mean I am not optimistic.

The picture above is someone holding a plant that seems to be growing and standing tall - and a little ray of sunshine is beaming down. The little sprout does not seem to be worrying if he is in the right garden, or planted in a green house. "He is Growing Where He is Planted." Haven't we all heard that before? Grow where you are planted? I think the rest just works itself out.

God how I wish I could get some of my friends and family to read those words. Some of them are still in the phase where everything else needs to line up before they can begin their lives. STOP WAITING. Grow. Believe.. and honestly.. trust. I put my trust in God. You may put your trust in your family, or the universe. Whatever - just know that we were made to evolve. Staying stagnant is not an option.

People pick on me all the time about all of the silly classes I take, or volunteer activities I join, or dozens of books I read a month, and that's okay. But I have always found one thing to remain true - we're not growing, if we aren't living.

I have tons of crap I deal with, but one thing remains true - I always pick myself back up, brush myself off - and try again. I am spontaneous, but not in a destructive way. I get it. I get that there is more to this life than what we see. I get that I only use a little bit of my brain on a daily basis - I want to change that. I get that there is a whole BIG world out there for me to see, and God willing, I will get the opportunity to see more. But I don't wait for all of my finances and vacation time to accrue - hence the international exchange students. I decided a while back, I will bring the world to me instead. Even now, I seek friends from other countries. I read as many books as humanly possible. Ask anyone!

I will leave you with one more nugget of truth. No, I cannot take credit for it - but we ALL need to start at this moment and - CARPE DIEM. (Seize the Day.)


Annie Joy said...

Thanks, Nicole! What a wonderful post to begin the day! I'm with you about the classes, the books, and bringing the world to you. All make us more self-aware and more aware of the world around us -- a very important part of living today! Annie

Kim-A Creative Spirit said...

Very good thoughts today.. If I waited for my ducks to be in a row, I would be waiting a LONG time... in fact I always say that 'my ducks ARE in a row, it just doesn't happen to be a straight one'.

Laura said...

Oh Nicole - what a great post. Your words give me so much to think about. Thank you! Also, I love Kim's comment about her ducks being in a row, but it just doesn't happen to be a straight row. Love it!

Laura said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leanne said...


Anonymous said...

OK, I'm joining Leanne! BRAVO!!! BRAVO!!! My favorite part is: "STOP WAITING. Grow. Believe.. and honestly.. trust." Loved this post! Girl I think your writing is getting better & better!

Anonymous said...

That quote is so right. I'm always waiting for things to be perfect, when I should know better.

Sometimes I find myself wishing away time. I should know better.

But I still do these things. It's so lame. I gotta quit it.


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