Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Even BETTER days ahead!

I've debated setting actual New Year resolutions.
I mean.. would I just be setting myself up for failure?

But the truth is, I have an idea as to what I hope to accomplish. I have (sort of) starting setting some things in motion - so why not document my plans...

Here is what I am thinking:

1. GROWTH. (Since the psychic said the next 8 years will be a period of great growth for me. Might as well openly embrace it.)

2. Fitness. I am finally joining a gym. (I've said that for 3 months now.. but THIS time is true.) I LOVED going to the gym in Birmingham and I LOVED my Zumba classes, soooo... time to get back to the grind. I think three days a week is a good (goal) to start with. Perhaps I will build up to more days.. perhaps I won't. Doesn't matter, as long as I keep moving.

3. Dance. I LOVE dance. Heck, back in my hometown where that was what I was known for (back in the day.) I was a dancer. One heck of a dancer. 60 pounds later... maybe not as light on my feet, but that's easy to fix. See #2.

4. Organize. I bought new Rubbermaid. I bought new scarf hangers. It's on. (Even more so!)

5. Learn something new. Not sure what, but I want to choose a few new things... like..

6. French. I took 7 years of French classes. I want to be fluent. I know, I know.. I should try to learn Arabic, but it's hard as Hell. Why don't I stick to something I have a little foundation on.

7. Container Gardening. I have dabbled. I want to flourish.

8. Meditation. I used to practice. I really want to get back into it. Ways? Personal meditation, as well as signing up for the the adoration chapel.

9. More adventure. Enough said. Active day tripping.

10. Writing. Writing about my journey for happiness.

... I'm leaving it there...

What are some of your goals???

1 comment:

Leslie Harris said...

Awesome goals, Nicole! And after having read your blog for a good 2+ years, I have no doubt in my mind that you will reach each and every goal on this list. :)

As for my goals...I want to focus more on my writing, happiness, and having fun.

Happy New Year from Mexico! :)


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