Friday, March 30, 2012

The Civil Wars

Ever come across a book, or movie, or band that you just LOVE? I remember reading Eat, Pray, Love and having to share that with everyone. Or the first time I heard Adele, waaaay before "Rolling in the Deep," I knew that girl had something special.

I could go on and on with examples, but that's not the point. Today I need to share with you a group that has been around for a little while. Not everyone has heard of them - though they have grown more and more popular.

I am loving The Civil Wars.

When I first saw the name, I thought - Great, some hillbilly hick music. Nope, I was wrong. The way they harmonize, the stories they tell - yes, all with a bit of southern flare. Love. Did you hear me? L-O-V-E.

The first song that sort of impressed me, (wait a minute - sort of? I was hooked the first time I heard it) was Barton Hallow. Here it is:

Their music and videos are very simple. Not a lot of flash, not a lot of complication - just music. Sort of soulful/bluesy/bluegrassy/folksy. Sort of reminds me of going to various festivals it the south - good stuff.

This song is really speaking to me these days:

See what I am talking about?

I will leave you with one more, and perhaps you will also become a huge fan.

1 comment:

Cassandra said...

I LOVED the song they did for the Hunger Games with Taylor Swift. LOVE.


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