Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Looking for a few good interns!

First of all, I have to apologize for the delay in blog posts. However, I am SUPER busy.. which leads me to this post:

I am looking for a few good interns.

No more than 3.

For school credit or non credit.
Hours are flexible.
Non-paid - but the experience can pad a resume like nothing you can imagine!!!

You do not have to be from the area - but I need dedicated people!!

Here's what I am looking for:
A student studying - English, Journalism, Communications, Speech, Health-related Field, Non profit management/public administration or Marketing.
Excellent writing skills.
BIG personality!

You would work as a Marketing & Communications Assistant !

What you will get to do:
Write Press Releases
Set up Buzz Marketing events
Help with Media Sponorships
Update Media Contacts
Assist with Media Relations at major events
Pitch the media the latest stories.
Help prep spokespeople

You will work with magazine publishers/editors; promotions directors with radio stations; tv reporters/anchors and promotions directors; newspaper editors and writers.. etc.

.. the list goes on and on.

I am located in beautiful Birmingham, Alabama. It's mostly sunny and it is rather nice with higher elevations (foothills of the appalachian mountains) - but close enough to get to the Gulf of Mexico in 3 hours!

Bham has close to 2 million people. The city is definitely metropolitan and how fun to spend your summer in the south? Two hours from Atlanta, and 4 hours from New Orleans!

Any takers???

If interested - please email:
Or call - 2050510-1511


PS- I can help you figure out how to relocate if you are interested!


Anonymous said...

Nicole, This sounds like an amazing internship! If I could relocate from NJ I would, but that isn't in the cards right now. If you would consider a tele-commuting intern, I would be very interested. Good luck finding your interns!

Nicole said...



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