Monday, September 2, 2013

Movies - Words - Relating

I have always been a huge movie buff. I love a good story line, and the words.. oh how the words.. they can change your life.

There are a few movies in particular, that have a few lines that I relate to. Maybe it's a philosophy I have adopted over the years, or maybe it mirrors my own life - whatever it is, it is relate able.

Here are some key movies lines that really reflect my own life or resonate with me in some way. Some are funny. Some are profound. But mostly, it definitely captures a tiny portion of my personality or lifestyle.

How about this final scene from the movie, "Alfie." I have always tried to live as untied down as possible.... Listen carefully.. and yes... I can relate.  (Though I am a serial monogamer.. I always figure it will never last...) This next scene.. hahahah.. Kelly Preston's character - what she says sounds exactly like something I would say. Yep.. I am sure my friends would agree. During my first marriage... this is classic... I did NOT want to be married anymore.. When I saw this scene in the movie (and read it in the book..) I totally understood. Powerful. (I think I even uttered these words about three months before he asked me for a divorce.) Ummm.. this is where I am now.. Yes.. Yes.. Yes.. the next scene is dead on. We all need to wait for the ladybugs. This scene always reminds me of those arguments.. with the one I loved the most.. This always reminds me of how we southern women fight.. lol And there are tons more (I just can't get my hands on them.) What are some of your favorite scenes from a movie - ones you can relate to? Just leave the link to the clip in the comment section!

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