Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Things I have learned this week

It has been a while since I have posted a " Things I have Learned This Week," so I thought- Maybe it's time!

If you are new to Destination Unknown, from time to time I list out all of the new things I have learned this week. Sometimes it is funny, sometimes it is revealing, and sometimes it is cathartic.

Let's begin, shall we?

Things I have learned this week:

1. Hard work really does pay off. I spent the day with someone at one of the jobs I have been interviewing at. (My second choice.) This person makes a lot of money, and I see why - her work ethic is amazing. It was inspiring to see someone who really invests her time and energy into what she does.

2. That my feet are not ready for heels. Being unemployed for almost 8 months, and spending most days in my fuzzy socks, has "unprepared" my feet for 8 hour days.

3. That I am really hopeful and excited. Something really wonderful IS about to happen.

4. That sleeping on a couch is much better and less painful for my back than sleeping on the pull out sofa.

5. That I am getting more and more excited about cooking for myself and my friends! I plan to look for apartments this weekend. Never hurts to be prepared - right??

6. Spring is doing wonders for my mood. The sun - the cool breezes - the flowers blooming everywhere. AMAZING.

7. (speaking of those flowers..) Zyrtec is my best friend. Outside of a few teary eyes in the morning, I am surviving this spring.

8. Coffee. I just needed to give a shout out to my other best friend. Really - my soul mate. My l'amour. Oh sweet nectar of the Gods.

9. I really do love my friends. I want to publicly acknowledge Lisa & Leslie & Phillip for being so freaking awesome to me since I moved back to middle Georgia. It's nice having people who have truly known you for years just be so super cool. I know it took me a little time to warm up to them - but I just had to let them know I am thankful.

10. My sister read my tarot cards last night - and though I do not necessarily believe in them, the message was spot on.

11. That my meditation book I bought from the old book sale has been a life saver.

12. Kirk Franklin got me through a stressful drive. (Lately - the whole stress of interviewing has gotten to me. I turned his play list on in my car, and I was 100% again.)


That's it  - I will stop with lucky 13.
I have some good ideas for topics coming up. I am just really tired and need to spend the day processing some choices I need to make.

Have a beautiful day!


J.A. Martin said...

All great things! :-)

Yenta Mary said...

This has been an excellent week of important lessons, good times, and MUCH love from friends and family ... :)


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