Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Art of Maintaining a Husband

Most little girls dream of one day finding her Prince Charming, or if you are me, the perfect Mr. Darcy. I was always looking for someone who carried himself well, you know - had an air of sophistication. He would have dark hair and dark eyes,and of course, be well traveled and educated.

Perhaps your picture looks a little different, but that was my little checklist, ever since I was a little girl.

With a show of hands (or in our case, comments) how many of you would say maintaining a happy marriage or in most cases, a happy husband, is probably the hardest job you have ever had? Of course, if you have children, that might be more so the case. But I have yet to find anyone who says relationships are easy. Even those of us who find our soul mates, life and people and differences of opinion are a tough pill to swallow some days.

I have yet to figure it all out. I may NEVER figure it all out. But what I can do is hope for the best, and do a little something...

I found this great little (looks like a bookmark..) and I thought, hey - I can do that.

How do you maintain a happy home?


J.A. Martin said...

I love that bookmark! We keep a happy home by both of us working to make the other happy. :-)

Savvyworkinggal said...

My marriage is pretty easy. We both accept each other as we are, are pretty even tempered, work towards common goals and are willing to compromise. My husband and I both experienced bad relationships prior to meeting each other; because of this I do think we both appreciate each other more.

Wishing you and your Egyptian the best.

Leanne said...

Great conversation to bring up in this post, my friend. I feel quite blessed by the man I am walking through life with, although even a good relationship crosses over rocky roads at times. I think the biggest thing we have in our home is the ability and willingness to compromise. That is huge.

But even with that, I came to a realization that for "us" to be happy . . . We BOTH have to choose to BE happy. Does that make sense? I told Phil a few months ago that I really can't "make him" happy. He has to wake up every day and make a decision to live a happy life. We can enjoy each other and share our lives with each other, but it is up to each of us to BE happy. We are in control of our own destiny. I don't mean that to sound selfish . . . It's just what I have been thinking of lately.

songbyrdonthemountain said...

The best thing I can do for my husband is love God. followed by praying for him. Keeping Christ at the center of our marriage saves me from my selfish desires every time. (and when my selfish desires take precedent over God , everything tends to tumble into disaster)

Peggy K said...

Oh, my...this might be stirring the pot a bit, but here goes.
It's not my place to maintain a happy home or a happy husband. It is my responsibility to be the best, most loving person, I can be, and to share that love with everyone that comes into my life. It is THEIR responsibility to do the same.
I can't make anyone be any way they don't wish to be. But by loving them, I can open the door for them to choose to be happy.
It all boils down to choices.

Anonymous said...

Believing in Allah and following d teachings 0f His holy prophet (SAW) is the key to a happy home


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