Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Just what ARE you feeding your head with?

Here you see a row of books upon my mantle. I decided to list out what the egyptian and I prefer to read.

(I actually got a question from this pic.. this person asked... I quote, "What in the hell do you read?"

Well, dear sir... here you go - from left to right:

Victor Hugo - Three Novel collections

DH Lawrence - Three Novel collections

Leo Tolstoy - Anna Karenina

Dante's Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso

John Milton's Paradise Lost

Jefferon's Letters

Bio of Hitler

A General History of Pirates

Margaret George - Helen of Troy

Sena Jeter Naslund - Abundance

John Berendt - Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

Coffey - Savannah Lore and More

Philosophy text book

Anne Rice - Out of Egypt andChrist the Lord

Literature text Book (fiction, poetry, drama and essay)

La ta'che du petit pierre

The Idylls of the King

Darwin's Origin of Species

The Best Known Works of Nathanial Hawthorne

Selected Writings of Thomas Paine

Italian grammar

Thomas Bailey Aldrich - The Sister's Tragedy

The Little Book of Great Lines From Shakespeare

Bio of Ignatius of Loyola

Bio of St Francis of Assisi

Gone With The Wind

Growing Up In the South - and anthology of southern writers

Arabian Nights

The Literature of England (textbook)

Collection of Jane Austen

Amen - Prayers and Blessings Around the World

Johnathon Livingston Seagull

Collection of Short Stories by William Faulkner

Collection of Poems by William Bulter Yeats

Journey into Darkness - New Orleans Ghosts and Vampires

A Book of Classic Love Poetry

Spiritual Classics (collection of essay's by top Christian writers of all time)

Shel Silverstein's - Where the Sidewalk Ends

The Literary Life (trivia about literature)

Oscar Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Gray

The Qu'ran

4 other books written in arabic (sorry, Yass is asleep.)

These are the books sandwiched between an eiffel tower clock and a wood-carved King Tut.

Yes, there are several more bookshelves in the house, but this one holds just a few of our favorite books. ;-)

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