Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Anniversaries and Other Things No One Cares About

I started to write this long diatribe on why I am just sick and tired of trying to do the right thing.

Then I realized it was probably the lack of carbs causing this slight mental breakdown.

The truth is everything is awesome. I've come sooooo ridiculously far, I feel the need to celebrate, even if I celebrate alone.

First of all, I've been at my job for one year! Yes, I have successfully ran a museum for one complete year! I am very lucky to have the board that I do and the staff that I have.. without them I simply could not pull off this gig. I'm happy and life is good.

So I'm going to give myself a pat on the back.
That's all I'm getting.

Then there is the one year anniversary with SG! It is so hard to believe that I have been blessed to spend 365 days in this man's life. He makes me very happy and it is hands down the healthiest relationship I have ever experienced.

I spent a good amount of time creating this digital (to be printed by Snapfish) Year-In-Review picture album for him. He seemed to really enjoy it. He bought me the number one item on my Christmas wish list: A French Press and Br Grinder.

Though our weekend was not even close to being romantic, it was nice to just settle into a routine. You see it was Halloween weekend, and it was his weekend with the kids. Friday night he worked late, which afforded me the opportunity to work on two stories in the 11th Hour newspaper. One is a profile on GPB's Mike Caputo and the other was a feature on Loco's Gril & Pub. I finished those and shot them to the editor, Brad, and relaxed with the movie - If I Stay. Holy moly. What a tear jerker!

That night I went into a little town called Richland and had dinner with his mom, sister, and family friend. Once he finally made it home, it was so wonderful to see his smile. We were all so beat, we just crashed for the night. On Saturday, I wanted to cook lunch for everyone, but his youngest ended up going over to her cousin's house, and of course, Alex, chose to hang near her dad. (She had a lot of homework to do.) I made low carb tacos and we laughed and chatted it up. Later, we had to pull together something for the kids to do for Halloween, so I ended up taking Alex to Dollar General and we bought a few essentials. She worked on the appetizers, SG worked on the campfire, and I worked on the music and our make-shift costumes. Basically, it turned into a dance party.

His sister, her partner, and her daughter all came over to enjoy the festivities. After the "dance party" we gathered in the living room of the cabin and watched Nightmare on Elm Street. Though I was sitting by my SG (the closest thing I could get to cuddling on our anniversary,) his daughter became scared during the movie and crawled into his lap. No sooner did I get up to do something, she curled up into the seat to cuddle next to him.... and that ended my canoodling evening.

Joys of dating someone with kids! lol We all settled in and went to bed and had a good night's sleep. The rain was coming down pretty hard on the tin roof, it made for an eery scene on the pond the next morning. On Sunday, we relaxed with a movie and basically took it easy.

Uneventful, but nice.

And thus my two big happy days ended, with a fizzle.

I'm thrilled to be in a great relationship for a year. I never thought I would find happiness again. And I did.
I'm thrilled to work a job that brings me fulfillment and happiness.
I'm excited to be working on more freelance writing stuff..

You see... so much good is happening, I just wish I could get someone other than myself to get what a big deal this is! SG gets it, but honestly, he is pulled in so many different ways right now. Lots of work, his mother is about to have surgery, his kids keep him busy, and his oldest (his ex-step daughter,) is getting married in two weeks. It's just a lot.

So I wanted to acknowledge how much good was in my life right now. I thought by writing about it, it would be a way to just gives myself a little pat on the back and.. well.. say I am very proud of myself.

Even if no one else notices. ;-)

I guess I get a little bitter about gratitude sometimes. I try to cheer my friends, co workers, family, and really anyone else that needs it on. I rarely get that in return. Oh well.. sometimes we have to be our own validation and encourage ourselves. Today's mediation/devotion was titled: Move On To Joy. The final affirmation said, "It's a conscious choice."

Amen, sister.

That concludes my whiny baby vent. ;-)

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