There are some things in this world I would prefer not to experience.
One of those "things" happens to be a trip to the Ladies' Locker Room.
Dear Sweet Jesus, why oh WHY do I have to go through that room to get to the toilet at the gym?
Is it too much to set aside a separate room for toilets, or at least put them at the front??
Why must I walk past the area with the lockers and benches?
I know that men are accustomed to standing in bathrooms and urinating next to someone, and I know that they have no problem showering out in the open or changing clothes, or stalls with no doors. I, on the other hand, the more delicate gender - AM NOT.
My Zumba and Body Jam class happen to take place in the evening, around 6:45pm. I am usually tired from work, and hungry (since I learned a few weeks ago to NOT eat before bouncing around for one hour at crack-head speed.) So my mood is not exactly in "perky happy girl" mode. Apparently, right before I pop in to grab a small towel to wipe my sweaty brow and use the toilet (just once before I bounce around for an hour) - there is a Warm Water/Therapeutic class for.. well.. people with limited mobility. Not disabled - limited mobility. I think this is a wonderful class to offer and I am so glad something like this exists.
Majority of this class happen to be senior citizens. Perhaps 65 +. Many have probably not exercised in many, many years. I am so happy to see them at the gym.
What I am NOT happy to see - is one of these sweet ladies standing butt naked in the locker room. Just chatting it up.
What tops it all - is when they ask me whether or not I have a hair dryer.
Clearly I am not "packing" a hair dryer - one hand has a towel, the other has a water bottle with a key chain draped on one finger. I am in a hurry - making a beeline for the toilet - and trying sooooo hard not to make eye contact.
Damn it - if not every single time, someone stops me - NAKED.
You know, there are just some things one is not prepared for. It's kind of like when you were a kid and you were not sure how different your body would one day look, this too is quite the education and something I am not looking forward to.
Omg Nicole!!! I am laughing so hard I'm crying. Lol. I have that same thought when I get out of the shower & find myself in full view of the mirror in front of me. Time/age is not kind. It does however have a sense of humor!
This was painful to read. Gravity is so unkind.
That is so wrong, good thing you didn't just eat.
Oh no - you have to wonder what they are thinking. Perhaps you can wear sunglasses next time and run through the lockeroom.
I needed that!!! Thank you.
I've learned how to "not look" while keeping my eyes open. It ain't easy I must admit. Gotta give the old ladies credit for not being embarrassed about being nekkid.
**snickerin** Only you Nicole haha I really needed this laugh today! Thanks!
But I am sorry you had to endure that! Like Elizabeth said - gotta give the lil old lady credit for not being embarrassed!
Oh man. Awkward.
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