Wednesday, September 29, 2010

WOW Leanne! You deserve it!

Today I think the blog that is rockin' it out is.. well.. Little Miss "From Chaos Comes Happiness."

I know it seems Leanne and I have a blog love fest going - but you know, writers tend to adore one another's work. I adore her AND her sister (The Adventures of CT & Me) and some of her other blog friends. (For a list of links - click on my blog roll above or click on any of the comments in previous posts - these are my peeps!) With that, I like to celebrate their successes!

BUT tonight I want you to check out something else - I say all of this about  her because she was featured - AGAIN! This is at least the second time I have seen her get featured on blog networks. BTW that's huge! I want you to visit Mama's Little Nestwork. Another favorite blogger of mine (You can click on  her page from my blog roll too (Mama's Little Chick.) All delightful and I hope you follow them both and join the Nestwork. (No - you don't have to be a mommy to join. She took me in!) But there are some really lovely people and blogs.



Laura said...

Hey Nicole - thanks for the shout-out for my blog. I'm still a beginner, and leave all the design stuff for my blog to Leanne! Thanks again!

Leanne said...

AWWWWEEEE NICOLE!!! If you could see me right now - you'd certainly call me a MESS, for I'm got some darn teary eyed GRIN plastered on my face after reading this one!!!! YOU truly are such a dear friend - you have no idea how often I think of you throughout the day and how grateful I am to have made your acquaintance - How'd ya like that one? that's the southern influence you've made on me ;) But in all seriousness, I'm blessed to know you and I thank you so much for these really really kind words. YOU are fantastic!

Bossy Betty said...

I wuv Leanne. I've said it before and I'll say it again!

Anonymous said...

WOW...ok, now between you and Leanne you guys have me all teary eyed! We should have a new meme and call it Bloggy Love Shout Out!!! Love you guys...and Leanne's post was awesome!!!


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