When I think about it, that's what it is all about - Balance. I put in some serious hours and stayed focused and just checked off the little tasks that needed to get done at work.
At home, I was able to help the egyptian makes some HUGE decisions and get him on track for the long haul.
See - a miracle happened on our trip. Even though he and I were still snipping and griping with each other, when we got back - the communication started flowing.
I am happy to report that he will NOT be returning home alone in October. (Nor will he be going back at all this calendar year.) He is post poning the trip to take care of something waaay bigger. He is having WES certified and validate his teaching certification from Lebanon. Which means after taking about 4 classes in education at a local university he will be a certified teacher in the states. That's it.
I think visiting with my friend Telisa and speaking to her class and being in that environment solidified this for him. (Many thanks T!) Also, when he and I were talking about our "gifts" and "talents" - one thing he mentioned, "Nicole, I have taught classes for years." It only makes sense.
I think that the change in culture, diet, friends, everything just threw him for a loop. Over dinner two nights ago, he asked, "How do you think you would do in Egypt? With no friends, no family, you don't speak the language?" I replied, "I don't know."
It's true.
I don't know. How could I know if I am not there. I am really excited about his future. He is studying the GRE as we speak and I hope and pray this all works out in our favor.
On to other topics -
This weekend!! It's the Greek Festival here in Birmingham! I don't know why, but most Americans just looove the Greek Festival. I think I am conditioned to be excited, because in the past it was about the food. LOL Well, since marrying my Mediterranean man - that's what I cook all the time now, sooo.. I am still trying to figure out what I am so excited about. It must be the whole pavolv's dog thing. ;-)
Oh yeah.. I am also doing something I said I would never do again. BUT - there are no rules on this one, so I think I am in the clear. Maybe.. ;-)
Yep - I am blog hopping it. I thought I might go shopping for a few new blogs to follow. (It never hurts.) I am cleaning up my blog follow list and thought I would make sure I have some quality things that I like to read. One of my MANY projects this weekend.
I also think I will start on the storage room. Yeah.. I know...
What's up with you guys? I feel like I have lost track with my blog friends and followers. Now that my balance and focus is back - let's chat! I will be visiting YOUR blogs this weekend!
Great news about the teaching credential!
Happy Blog Hunting this weekend!
Sounds like he will be happier when he is doing something familiar, something he knows he is good at. No one feels good about themselves when they are unproductive.
Wonderful news about the teaching credential! I hear ya on the cleaning up the blogs you follow thing...Right now I don't have that problem, but I have in the past! It's the weekend! Yay!
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