I am sliding into home base. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. The *shitty* month known as September is existing stage left, and it could not happen at a better time!
Granted, there are a few days left, and I know all too well, this can mean catastrophe, but I have HOPE. I will get thru this cursed month.
October has always been one of my more favorite months. I love that it is officially fall. I love that one of my favorite genre's of entertainment is pushed to the forefront - Horror. I love that all three of my favorite Holidays are representing in local department stores (Halloween, Thanksgiving & Christmas.) I love that the days are shorter.. the nights are longer. I can break out my boots. I can pull out my sweaters. I can surround myself in the colors that make me happy - plum, burnt orange, black, gold, crimson, deep greens and teals... Life begins to take on a whole new meaning. Ahhh.. sweet, sweet October.
This October I am celebrating in style. I am completely booked weekend after weekend. Work will be busy (if I am still there.) My last month of the recession. I will start the month off with seeing the musical Rent at Red Mountain Theater Company. Nothing like theater to bring your spirits up.
Next weekend Yasser, Crystal and I plan to go to Destin/Fort Walton. If you have never seen the absolute beauty of the Gulf of Mexico from these beaches in particular - then you have not seen heaven on earth. We plan to make a stop in Seaside, Florida also.
I need to feel the sand between my toes, the sea breeze to wash the old nasty September away. I even asked my egyptian - just teasing - "Could we take a romantic walk by the sea?" He replies - "Nicole, everything by the sea is romantic. Don't you understand?" Ahhh.. truer words have never been spoken.
The second weekend in October we will celebrate at the Middle Eastern Festival in Birmingham. Here is an opportunity to be surrounded by the colors and rhythms of my absolute favorite culture in the world. I am SOLD. I used to be such a euro-phile. Now, that seems so cliche'. I am going Mid-East all the way. NOTHING is compared to this mysterious part of the world. Nothing. There is an arabic band playing Friday and Saturday night. I am very excited about this. Amin Sultan is performing and apparently he is from Lebanon.
The following weekend I will be participating with the Islamic Center's Health Fair. I am excited to help support my egyptian's community with heart healthy advice.
Then on the 24th - Heading down to Montgomery for the Start! Heart Walk there. That will be a day completely devoted to the media (work wise.) But I enjoy working in smaller communities. It makes the whole media aspect exciting. Smaller towns eat that stuff up. ;-)
Finally I am topping of the entire month with a fabulous Halloween party - Web of Terror. I will be the Black Widow spider!!
Speaking of Halloween - there will be several events we will be participating in also:
Pumpkin Carving at Melissa & Jay's house
Phantom of the Opera @ the Alabama Theater on Halloween Night. This will be the actual 1925 silent film. However, there will be an organ playing!!
I think October will be full of art and excitement - and I should be able to get my zest for life back!!!
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