I think I feel like the girl dancing to my left here.
I got a good - solid night's sleep. I was EXHAUSTED yesterday. Simply exhausted. I have not been sleeping well in September. As all of you know - the stress has been consuming me.
Last night I tried a few things to wipe this "negative cloud away."
For one - work went pretty well. *hallelujah chorus may begin now
Yes, I think I have pulled the unrealistic off. Sometimes I even surprise myself. ;-) My goals/plans/media impression items are working out.. slowly. I am treating our first fiscal quarter as a priority, and things are lining up nicely. (Normally we bank on Heart Month/events/Stroke month etc to bring us in to the home stretch.) Without donated billboards this year, I have to work overtime to just get half the media impressions needed to keep my job.
But aside from all of that (THAT which does not define me) - Yass seemed to have a certain peace around him yesterday. Something I have not seen in days. He got up, got dressed and offered to go to church with me.
Yesterday was the first Church dinner of the school year. It was FANTASTIC - and sooo not heart healthy: fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, rolls, and salad. YUM. I have not had this traditional southern meal in a long time.
Bible study went well - we have a LARGE group of kids this year. Lots of new faces. All of the other youth leaders made it - and basically had a good meeting with the kids. We played a little game called "fishbowl" - the kids get to put whatever type of question they have about various issues - and then we break into groups to discuss. Afterwards, we come back together and the Youth Minister gives the "church's" stance on the items. We discussed suicide, euthanasia, annulments/divorce, capital punishment.. I mean these kids had a LOT of questions. Good stuff.
Afterwards, Yasser and I met Crystal and we went to Target. My mar/com friends gave me a $125 gift certificate to Target for my wedding, so Yass and I decided we needed a little retail therapy. We had a good time, and needed that. Soooo much so.
I got home and my body was literally aching with exhaustion - but I could not sleep. So I popped half a lortab (I got for my ankle.. don't worry, I only have 4 more :-) ) and I think I slept soooooooo hard. I had the oddest dreams - but I SLEPT.
I woke up this morning with eyes the size of golf balls. This apparently is a side effect of my sleeping hard. I always have these HUGE bulging eyes, it's really not very pretty. lol
I am awake - with my ground Starbucks coffee, and pumpkin spice creamer. I have my laptop. I have about 5 million conference calls. But it's all good. I decided to take my own advice and pull myself out of this funk. A funk is definitely what I am in.
It is almost the end of September. PRAISE GOD. I just might survive. My numbers for work come in at the end of the week. What is done is done.
October as so many treats in store. Even thought I have one more month of my recession (ie - UAB getting over $800 from me.) I will be back to normal, oh so soon.
So with that - let's lift our imaginary glasses and say "Cheers" and I seriously need to remember that!
PS - congrats to Heather for her big "D" day.
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