Pandora has got to be the single coolest "stream" of music I can find on the web. Today has turned into a disco-fever revelation.
I have always had a special place in my heart for good-old-fashioned - funky disco music.
Pandora allows you to type in a song or genre or artist or whatever. Then you get one hour of amazing options. If you don't like a song, give it a thumbs down, the system will never play that song again. If you give a song thumbs up - it will find "like" songs for the remaining hour.
Then of course, you can start over or keep going.
Today is DISCO FEVER. All I need is #1 - a disco ball. #2 (according to Judith Ann - and yes I agree) sequins #3 and an awesome hair situation.
If you have not tried it - go to this site NOW! It is free and easy to use.
Some of my more favorite options are:
1. Funk
2. Hair bands
3. Steve Perry
4. Michael Jackson
5. Tony Bennett
6. Frank Sinatra
8. New Age Spa
9. Belly dance
10. World Fusion
Those are my top 10 categories I type in from time to time. Puts a little pep in my step. (ex - right now I am listening to Barry White. (Ahhh.. sweet, smooth Barry.)
Sometimes you just need a little disco to make the day perfecto!!! I was thinking - what are some of my favorite disco songs??

That's easy:
in no particular order..
1. Gap Band
2. Kool & The Gang
3. George Clinton/Parliment
4. James Brown
5. Michael Jackson
6. Barry White
7.Dazz Band
8. Funkadelic
9. Rick James
10.Earth, Wind & Fire
Those are just a few.
My question - what puts you in a good mood? Obviously Disco is one of those things for me. A disco ball would make me smiles. Who can't feel spicy without some sequins?
Until next time.. shake your groove thang!
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