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Laura Rowe Photography |
I wanted to take a moment and say thank you.
Simple as that.
Plus I want to clarify what's going on, so that when we go on this little journey together, you can nod your head and go - OH! That explains everything.
For one, the pics of myself. You may be wondering what that is all about. My dear friend, Laura, is an up and coming photographer, not to mention her business is booming in Birmingham. She has a website for her services, and if you click on the words - Laura Rowe Photography - under each picture, it will take you there.She has an etsy shop named, Twirl, where she shares photographic prints of her travels, and various scenery and objects. Beautiful stuff, sincerely. Also, extremely affordable.
Laura was basically like a best friend at work, who turned into one of my closest friends in Birmingham. As a going away gift, she offered to take some photos of me, right before my going away dinner party. Granted, the only thing I had not packed was this dress and a few other items. So, the checked dress it was. Maybe not the best idea - but it worked. I told her I would post each picture, each day, with a link to her website. She never asked for this, but it was something I wanted to do! So days and days and days of promotion or my dear friend. Even if you can't buy anything or book her, please stop by her site, leave a little message, and tell her I sent you. I know it would warm her heart. Like me, she walked away from the "soul snatchers" (our former employer) and is trying to do something with her life. She inspires me!
Second, I wanted to thank each and every one of you for your emails, phone calls, and comments. I do read every one of them, and even though I don't typically write back in the comment section, if you have an email address attached to your profile, I will return a reply - as I have time. So thank you. I take all of your advice. For one, I will definitely do more volunteering. It worked when I was in Birmingham, living alone, waiting on the egyptian to arrive from Egypt. It kept me busy, I met amazing people, and it gave me a sense of purpose. I have offered my services to the Girl Scouts here, with their program department. That's what led to me spending the day face painting about 110 little girls out at camp. Was nice. The only thing holding me back is fuel for the car. My parents live pretty far out, so I have to conserve the gasoline - right up until I actually get a job.
I am also reading up on consulting. There are a few non profits that could benefit from some of the skills I picked up from the "soul snatchers." Not to mention, all of the workshops I have attended. I do have a set of skills and talents that are marketable. I'm just trying to sort it out in my head.
I also want to thank TV from TV's Take for the advice on exercising more. You are right! I think you know how much I love Zumba and other classes like that. I hope to get back into a gym (officially) in mid November. I am trying to catch up from the cost of the move across states. Right now, I am trying to do silly things like play tag with my niece, walk a litte more etc. But you are absolutely right - need to do something active daily. I will fill a TON better. Plus, it will get me out of the house. We are in the middle of the Oconee National Forest - I could simply go hiking!
I also want to thank Janet - Yes, I think the 68 is a red flag. I don't believe it is typically this low, but there has been a change in my diet since I moved here. I am eating waaaaay less, but something is different. Growing up, my parents cooked really, really healthy. Now, I am assuming they are trying to save money in their retirement years and are cooking more processed food. I pretty much gave that up 2 years ago. But since there is a limit to my funds, I am grateful for the food here. But what I am doing is eating waaaay less. In turn, not so healthy. You are right, though - it has played with my emotions. I think that's when I get on here to blog.
Which brings me to this blog. I typically vent here. It is a beautiful place for me to release. Unfortunately, there has been very little positive to write about, and for that I apologize. I know it sucks to stop by and see me whining. I hate reading it. I hate feeling it. But it is what it is.
If you are new here, go back a few years and read some of the earlier stuff. You will see a completely different person. Or, I suggest reading some of the suggestions below each post. Some are quite humorous, or silly, or hopeful, or useful.
I have a (possible) big day today. There is an "Opportunities Abroad" job fair at Georgia College and State University. Which happens to be about 15 miles from here, AND is my old university.At 3pm, a representative from the Peace Corps is speaking about her experience. You guys know I am super crazy about the idea of the Peace Corps. This would be a first chance to actually talk to someone. I think I am going to go. If nothing else, to see what opportunities are out there.
Sure, the idea of going abroad to live is terrifying - BUT EXCITING! It's something I have ALWAYS wanted to do, and why not do it? There is nothing stopping me, but myself. Oh yeah, and an immigrant husband. But once immigration is complete, I could do it. Hell, he and I could do it together - and he would. Or, just doing something for one year is a GREAT IDEA. I just NEED to do it.
The egyptian's parents have invited us to Egypt - to live. I could go there. But he believes it is too dangerous right now - with the revolution still going, and no leadership in power. But in time, it will happen.
One last thing, go visit my friend Leanne at From Chaos Comes Happiness. She has an etsy shop right now. She also lost her job, get this - 3 weeks before I did - who knew! She turned it into her dream. She is a working artist now!!!
One more thing - Yenta Mary - I WILL go to a Halloween party this weekend. Okay? ;-)
Love you guys!
don't fret too much over whether your blog posts are depressing rather than uplifting. We all need a safe place to let our feelings ---good and bad-- out! Always remember who you started your blog for... it wasn't for me, because you didn't even know me then! ;)
Good for you for taking such daily inventory of your life/emotions. We can plan and pray till the cows come home but only God knows what is really ahead. We can only take one step at a time, trusting Him to lead the way.
First, my favorite pix are the ones on the melt down and diabetes post! You have the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen!
Obviously I had some catching up to do with your posts- I see that life is still trying to tackle you but I also see that you will have no part of it! I see that strong woman in you still standing and still hoping and still trying. As long as I see her, I'm not worried!
Great post because you seem to be looking forward instead of back. Bravo for creating all this opportunity for yourself. That's not always easy.
I think everyone deserves to be happy and healthy and like I said from personal experience working out can make you forget all your troubles.
Hope your meeting went great!!!
Awe...first, thanks for the shout out! I adore you!
Second, sorry for my limited comments lately. I am reading every post my dear (you know that), but my computer time has been shared with the starting of this adventure I'm on, and it has pulled me away a little.
Nicole, you know how much I adore you. And how much I respect the courage and honesty in which you write. It was first brought me to this blog, and what keeps me here . . . YEARS later. Through the years, if I have seen one thing from you, it is that you have this amazingly passionate strength and courage. Hang on, dear. Your next chapter is goning to be incredible!!!
Thanks, Nicole, for writing a whole blog entry thanking your readers. I'm glad that you are taking our suggestions to heart, and that you realize it is because we care about you.
As far as your other entry about possibilities - WOW! The energy practically jumps off the page when you write about the Peace Corps. There is definitely passion and purpose there. And I love the way you are also thinking of all kinds of workable options - not just "workable", but ways in which you can find joy and meaning.
I'm glad for you!
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