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Laura Rowe Photography |
I feel like I have a handle on the situation and I am ready to start again. Okay, okay - so it took a week. No, things are NOT optimal, but I can see tiny little goals, and that's how I am going to do it - teeny, tiny steps, until I get to where I feel okay.
It's not easy starting, yet again. Especially without all of your pieces in place. I have a husband in another city, working two part time jobs, just to help us save a little money. We finally decided - first one with a stable, good paying job - that's where we go.
The time apart is doing wonders for us. THANK GOD.
I spent some time with a friend this weekend, and enjoyed a few laughs, some greasy chicken wings, and a little chatting. She has a 15 year old that is definitely trying her patience as a teenager. It finally happened - the rebellion. From action to clothing to sneaking, she is giving her a run for her money. This too shall pass, but it just reminds me, we all have certain issues to contend with.
It was also good to see an old friend. Really nice guy and oh so funny. The three of us sat up until late in the night on my other friend's back porch over looking a lake, mixing serious issues with witty banter. It was nice. Especially when we were all joking about how we are all creeping up on 40. Sheesh... when did THIS happen? Each of us are in different places, our guy friend has an Master's in Finance and due to the economy is painting houses. My other friend is growing more and more restless, and waiting for her daughter to graduate from high school, so she can run off and travel the world. Then there is me - .....
Today I awoke feeling hopeful. I have a few more irons in the fire. I sent my resume to another friend who was kind enough to find a possible fit for me. Her husband works in the IT department of this major employer in Georgia. His company (for profit) is looking for a Trainer, basically someone to travel around and unroll these computer programs/whatever else the company needs. There would be a HUGE learning curve on the technology side, but there is training involved. Good news - I am a fairly quick learner. Plus, once I learn something, I know it better than the next person. Soooo... maybe....
I even talked to the egyptian about the position. Especially with him trying to visit San Fran. He says, if I get the job, we will settle here. Okay. Again - first stable, well paying job wins. Okay. Deal.
Whatever. ;-)
I am going to Zumba tonight, I totally flaked out last week, and have been flaking out on everything lately. But, I am forcing myself tonight. I simply have to. Between the stress and just laying around, I am beginning to fill stiff. THIS will freshen me up!
I skipped mass. Booooo. I don't know what's wrong with me. But I HAVE to go this week.
Not much more to discuss, but I am trying to find a little peace, a little relaxation this week. I am refocusing. It took a little while to shake off the funk, but I believe most of it is gone, and I am sure - when I force myself to laugh a little more, get moving a little more, this too shall pass!
You sound so much better, Nicole!! Love your goals!!:)
Sounds like things are looking up for you, my friend. Isn't it a great feeling?!
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