I thought I might just bore my sweet readers to tears with my To-Do List.
It's my blog, I can whine if I want to.
So.. here it goes:
1. Hang and fold all of my clean clothes. They have been clean since Monday. They move from my bed to the desk over and over.
2. Wash those really big pots and skillet in the sink. I had so many things in the dishwasher, the big stuff did not make it in. I hate hand washing.
3. Confirm the radio interview with WZZK for next week.
4. Send the name of the spokesperson to ABC 33/40 for our Midday interview next week.
5. Proof the National Start! Walking Day PSA to air - today.
6. Confirm the time and exact location of the National Start! Walking Day celebration at Southern Nuclear. Inform media sponsors.
7. Finish and send B-Metro Magazine the media sponsorship for Start!
8. Confirm with WEAR in Pensacola as to whether they will air our Start! PSAs.
9. Send out the press release for the Art For Heart event in Baldwin County (outside of Mobile.)
10. Create the Heart Ball release for Mobile
11. Work with the Chattanooga team to get snag Clear Channel as the Start! Heart Walk Sponsor.
12. Email AHA snapshot to Cox RAdio - WAGG & WERC for the 1 hour interview we have next Thursday
13. Send Media Alert to Birmingham media for National Start! Walking Day.
14. Drink Coffee
15. Find a flippin' intern.
16. Send information for WTTO to start on production of our Go Red For Women Luncheon PSA in Bham
17. Find a radio media sponsor for Go REd in Birmingham
18. Circle back with Birmingham Magazine about May opportunities
19. Answer interview questions for Birmingham Parent Magazine's Teen issue that will deal with dieting and eating disorders
20. Pay the gas bill.
21. Take out the trash
22. Check in with Power to End Stroke media sponsors for Power Day push
23. Send LTE for Advocacy and send Julie the list of publications it was sent to
24. Follow up on DASH diet press release
25. Set Media Spokesperson Training for April 9th and contact casting call participants.
26. Pray. (really this should be number 1.)
27. Make my bed
28. Cook lunch and dinner
29. Set agenda for 6 conference calls I have tomorrow with Johnson City, Knoxville and Chattanooga; Huntsville & Tuscaloosa.
30. Come up with an entertainment schedule for my parents visit next weekend.
31. Decide what to get Yass for his birthday.
32. Try not to jump off a cliff...
That's it. And it has to be done before I go to sleep tonight.
Thanks for listening.
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