Good morning! Ha!
It's Monday, and I cannot think of one thing that is good about it. Maybe the fact that I am awake and alive. Hmm.. that'll work. God must have something in store for me today. Apparently I have not fulfilled my purpose.
Okay, I will settle for that.
I thought this whole CPAP thing was supposed to make me feel refreshed. I just feel tired. Also, my nose is sore from wearing the face mask.
I have so much "catch up" work to do today. SOOOO much.
I guess this post is going to be a vent session. I woke up kind of in a bad mood. Not feeling fabulous. I need a few more days off from this whole thing. This thing is called responsibility.
I have also made a conscious decision to get back on the health kick today. I have to. I think that makes me mad also. I hate HAVING to do anything. I would much rather choose to do something. But the truth is, if I plan to live a long life - I should truly try to get it together (health wise.)
I hope to write something with more substance later. But all I can think about is the fact that I have to unload a very packed car with all of the Go Red For Women items, I have to stop by a few places and pick up the extra signs. I have a few meetings, many emails to return, library drop off - *sigh*.. and I am sure when I return home - the egyptian will have demands.
I am tired.
Oh yeah - one more thing - I am stationed in the lower level of our office building. Surrounded by two women who have chosen to talk about me. Fun yeah?? Luckily, their opinion means very little to me - but I tend to not "fake" nice very well.
I guess I need to find some happy pills and get a move on it.
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