Sunday, May 6, 2012

The War of Northern Aggression - Revisited

Historic Home, Old Clinton
"If we do not end war - war will end us. Everybody says that, millions of people believe it, and nobody does anything." ~H.G. Wells, Things to Come (the "film story"), Part III, adapted from his 1933 novel The Shape of Things to Come, spoken by the character John Cabal (Thanks Bill!)

If you did not get the memo, the War never ended down here. The Civil War, that is- or as many southerners like to call it - The War of Northern Aggression.

If you know me personally, you know that I used to roll my eyes at pride in the Confederate South. However - the truth is, it's a part of our history. A piece, many would prefer to sweep under the rug. You see, it is a very sensitive issue down here - but it is what it is. Half of my ancestors lived in the Southern United States. Which means my Great-Great-Great as well as Great-Great Grandparents would have experienced the Civil War from the "Rebel" perspective.

As to whether or not my family ever owned a plantation or slaves is not really known.I don't know if anyone fought in the war. To be perfectly honest, I never looked it up. I do know many were farmers in Valdosta, Georgia. I do know some might of had share croppers, but I cannot tell you that for certain.

In the South, one of the favorite past times is for people of a certain area to gather together and re-enact certain Civil War battles, on the actual land it took place. These people actually "take on" the persona of one soldier, perhaps their ancestor, and do what they think may have happened. If you ever saw the movie, Sweet Home Alabama, there was a funny scene that showed how serious reenactors are about preserving the past.

I decided to take the egyptian to the Old Clinton War Days here in Gray, Georgia. If he was going to move to the "Deep South," he needed to experience the "culture" of it all. See, when we lived in  Birmingham, we were in what is called - "Post Civil War" country. Birmingham was a "newer city." I grew up in a very historic, southern area - a place General Sherman marched right through and attempted to destroy. Yes, people are still bitter down here, because their family's family lived in the same home for generations. Their grandparent's grandparents passed stories down, as well as photos, journals, uniforms, and most importantly -the land.

Here are the pictures from yesterday.  Here is what "Historical Societies" down here seek to preserve, in memory:

My dad was selling his calligraphy there

I'm eating fried Gator Tail - true story!

1 comment:

AJ said...

What a great post! I am also from a southern family with deep I do kinda get it. Your pictures are fantastic...looks like fun day!


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