Saturday, January 4, 2014

Things I Learned This Week

It is officially a cold winter's day here in Macon, Georgia. I see no good reason to get out of my fleece pjs and leave the house. I got three new magazines in the mail last night, and a nice cup of coffee... plus, I'm almost finished with the final book in the Hunger Games Trilogy.. I think I have a plan!

With that being said, let's take a look back at the things I learned this week:

 1. New year, new beginning. Honestly, it just felt like another day.

2. That it feels good to be able to help someone else out financially. I am finally in a place where I can help a friend again.. and it was nice. I've been where this person has been, and I am so glad I was able to pay it forward.

3. It's sort of my thing this year.. doing for others when I would rather do for myself. Take Christmas for instance, my mom gave me a little money as a gift, I actually put that money in the offering plate at church at Mass. It felt right.

4. I wondered if my cats would be the furry, purry, love bugs I was hoping for in the cold months - and they are! I woke up with them curled around my head, holding each other. Those are good moments.

5. Reorganizing and rearranging my office felt good. I am looking forward to the big move to our new building next year... but for now, this may work.

6. I took the time this week and had some quality conversation with a few friends I have not made time for in the past year. It felt good and all is well with those relationships.

7. I've been experiencing a few panic attacks this week, not sure why, and I'm trying to get a handle on the underlying stressors that may be causing it. Not sure...

8. My roomie and I weighed ourselves.. and... um... we both need to get back on the wagon.

9. I'm ready to clean out my closet. Get rid of clothes. Wish I knew of someone my size - I would totally mail them the clothes. :-) If you are interested - inbox me on FB- I'll tell you my size there. Especially if you are local.

10. Simplify is the word of the week. LIVE is the word of the year. I'm doing both!

1 comment:

Leanne said...

Good things this week, my friend . . . Love the ''pay it forward" act, so good for not only you - but those receiving it. Feel a sense of peace in you, although those panic attacks are a bit worrisome. Focus. Breathe. Live. Love it!


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