Now I am going to share a few photos with you of my life - as spring slowly approaches!
Autumn and I decided to go camping last weekend. The good news - we did not need to go far, since our family lives on the edge of a National Forest. This was last Friday or Saturday night. My thought was - sleeping on the ground might be good for my back. Ha!
We brought the essentials - A barbie dream car, complete with barbie and Edward (yes, that's Edward from Twilight,) and of course our handy/dandy flashlight. I also added my iphone (which I layed there playing on Twitter most of the night,) a bottle of water and my latest book that I have been reading slowly, but trust me - it is good. (Hard to read when you are wincing in pain.) Like my black furry blanket? ;-)
Goofy girly- ready to go to sleep.
One night during the week, Autumn was sitting on the back of dad's truck - about to help him haul some trash to the dumpster. (Yes, we are so far out in the country that there is no curbside service.)
Meet the Georgia Pine Tree. Yes, they smell sweet - and yes, this is a pollen - RIGHT BEFORE IT COVERS EVERYTHING.
My nemesis. PS - My car is totally yellow now, and my eyes are watering.
Dad is preparing to plant brocolli.
Plus we are starting some tomato plants
Meet Mr. Pookie. Typically, he is not a friendly cat. It has taken me YEARS to get him to let me touch him. Turns out, he is sweet.. but you have to earn his trust
Thursday night was "Fine Art's" Night at Autumn's school. This is her right before her performance.
This is Autumn right after her performance. I call this the fall from the high. Her adrenaline was zapped.
Later, my sister treated her to whatever dinner she wanted- we went to Huddle House. LOL
The sun was setting - and it looked gorgeous.
Yesterday, my friend Lisa and I got up and met for Breakfast fairly early.
After breakfast (I had a waffle topped with strawberries with a side of scrambled eggs with cheese,) we headed the 15 miles into Macon (my hometown,) and went to the fundraiser for "Friends of the Library." It's an old book sale (or used books, or books pulled out of circulation at the library.) This was the last day of the sale - and here is what was left. I got several books - all for $13 (and in hardback!)
I got:
Words You Should Know by David Olsen for $1
An Incomplete Education by Jones & Wilson for $1
The Book of Virtues by William Bennet for $6
Total Meditation by Susannah Marriott for $5
It was Saint Patrick's day and the first day of the Cherry Blossom Festival. I thought Lisa's car paraphenalia was appropriate - she had both shamrocks and cherry blossoms on hand.
Next - Lisa drove us to the Cherry Blossom Festival - one of the activities was at Central City Park.
We were greated by the camel. I loved on him for a little while. He/she kept licking me. LOL
One thing about Cherry Blossom time - Macon is given permission to go bold or go home. The tackiest pepto/hot pink mesh bows are every where. SERIOUSLY.
We enjoyed an art exhibit of Georgia landmarks
I took this pic for all of my Northern friends (aka Yankees.) LOL Yes, we deep fry anything - even Banana Pudding. ;-)
I did not partake.. but I did take a picture for you. ;-)
Tons of performances going on. Mostly dance teams competing.
Turkey legs - something you could smell all over the place. The smoke from their smoker had a delicious scent!
We crossed the park (there is a little bridge) and made our way to the dog show...
On the way, we discovered tons of bikers - they just met up, parked and were hanging out..
See the rebel flag? Yep, it's the south.
Here is Lisa risking my life.. LOL - Drinking her lemonade, texting.. all the while with no seat bell. Rebel.
Here I am - a little more pink than before.It was hot as hades - mid 80s with high humidity.
We ran some errands- then went for lunch at about 3pm.
Here is another pic of Autumn at her performance. The little guy to her left, is Dominic - her best friend.
Pork skins, Sweet Peach Iced Tea and Kettle Corn. Yep - I'm back home.
Frisbee dog show!
I hope you enjoyed my little Saturday. What did you do yesterday?
Wow that was one busy Saturday! Love all the fair food. How sweet Autumn crashed after her performance. Happy Sunday
Nicole! How wonderful to catch up with your life! What a fun Saturday! Thank you so much for coming by this morning!
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