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Laura Rowe Photography |
How many of you are on a budget? Heck, I don't know many people that are not. If your own personal finances have not been tarnished too much during this economic down turn, then at least you might get a little disturbed by the price of fuel and groceries these days.
I, unfortunately, am feeling the burn. Even with living at my parent's home temporarily, unemployment pays me pennies. I cannot imagine how a family could survive on this.
Regardless of the financial issues, I have found a few ways to lift my spirits and indulge, even if it is just a little bit. Long gone are the daily, if not multiple, trips to Starbucks. Gone are the movies twice a week, or random clothes shopping or eating out.
What I have replaced instant gratification with is something even more interesting. Let's call it a little blessing in the midst of a personal rain storm - I am learning to delay my need for things, actually weigh out whether it makes sense, and finding amazing deals in the process.
I wanted to share with you a couple of things I am loving, that cost or save me pennies!
I am a crazy book fanatic, so much so that the egyptian would often make me donate books to the Salvation Army, just to justify the cost versus the tax write offs. Since I am stuck at my parents home, and have very little entertainment, clearly, I am turning to books. I was so please to find this very book store in downtown Gray. It's called Kema's Hobby Book Store, and you may have read about it in past posts. She sells new and used books, and from what I can tell, takes donation. I have stocked up on about 5 books, and the cost will blow your mind. Every Saturday in November and December she is selling her 99 cent books for buy one get one free. Now, there are seriously some good titles. It seems she judges whether they are a $1 by the wear and tear on them. I don't care about a few flimsy covers! I was thrilled to get some wonderful books for just $2 and some change, or so.
My advice to others looking to save a few dollars, visit your locally owned book store and look for deals like the ones Kema offers. Some owners let you set up an account, where you donate books, and in turn sort of trade out accordingly. This holiday season may be a tight one, but supporting our local shop owners and purchasing quality books (ALWAYS A GOOD GIFT IDEA) is a winner!
PS 0- if you live in Middle Georgia, I highly recommend you check out her store. Heck, come up the second Saturday in December, and the entire strip where her shop is will be hosting a Holiday Festival (FREE) with Santa's workshop for the kids!
I love good ice cream. I was quite the Ben & Jerry's consumer, as well as other yummy brands. Since I feel $5 is a bit much for a small container of ice cream, I have found a nice alternative. Ben & Jerry's and Starbucks have these mini ice creams - and honestly, it's better for the waist line. I have been getting the Vanilla Bean, then coming home and sprinkling a little cinnamon -and voila! ~ a perfect treat. The cost?? $1. No kidding! These delightful treats are only a dollar, and it fits perfectly into my budget.
The closest Starbucks to my parent's home is over 30 miles away. (I know.. *sigh*... I have got to get an apartment in Macon.) BUT, let's be honest, I can't afford Starbucks these days. It's hard to live without their Peppermint Mocha.. but alas.. there is an alternative for less! I tried the Peppermint Mocha from McDonald's and I have to tell you, it's delicious! Sure, it does not compare in quality, but for the price, it is great in my book. (And only 10 miles away.) I want to say I spent under $5 for mine.
Whenever I feel like shopping, and know I can't - I head to Pinterest for about 1/2 an hour of pure pleasure. I want to thank Leanne for introducing me! I am having a blast on this website. There is a waiting list, unless you actually know someone on there -
Once you start pinning, your creative juices get flowing. Not to mention, I have sooooo many ideas for my new home! PS - It's free.
My Walgreen's app saved $5 today! I am LOVING it. Basically, I needed some hair color - and the one I want is, well, my fave and a bit of a splurge. It happens to be the most expensive one, however, they had it on sell. THEN - I just happened to open the coupon section of the app - and BAM - $5 off. My expensive hair color ended up being cheaper than all of the others!
The app has soooo many cool features. For instance, I chose the "shop" option last night, looking to price some OTC meds, and was able to compare. I highly recommend you download it!
Sure - there are other things, but for now - it's the little things. Coffee, books, ice cream, maintaining my hair (without the salon's help,) and fantasy shopping/planning - it's all available for under $5.
What are some hints and tricks you have up your sleeve?