How cool is that?
The very next day, I got a call from someone from the place asking what my salary requirements were. I always hesitate on this one. I told them, and I could hear the disappointment a little. Then they said thank you. 15 minutes later, they called back and asked me to come in on Monday at 3pm for an interview!
The job is the Communications Manager position for the CVB in my hometown. That's kinda cool, and well - if anything, I definitely know the area. It's very antebellum and very historical. LOTS of touristy stuff and few really big festivals that bring thousands to the area. Heck, why not?
Of course, I am still praying the TV station makes a decision soon. I think it would make my life and the egyptian's life easier if we did not have to move. But according to my friend, they are not making the decision for a little while longer.
That was Plan A. I decided to move forward exploring Plan B. Then maybe... I will have an answer soon (either way) and can make decisions accordingly. I NEED an answer of some kind.
I suppose I will treat the next week as a true vacation week. :-)
I hope to visit old friends, relax with my niece and family, and get down to the business of exploring my options.
As a dear friend told me - you got to take care of "You." That's what I am doing.
Don't forget that Macon has really come into its own lately with the music scene. There is such an incredible musical tradition there and downtown has really come alive in the past 10 or 15 years. If you do get the job and if you do move back, I'd really like for you to move into one of the lofts downtown :) Maybe Yass could teach Arabic at Mercer??? Hmmmmmmmmm
You know, I've been working on my art daily . . .coming up with little motivational sayings here and there. PG is even focused on it (believe it or not). This morning he called from his car and said, " honey, write this down . . . 'Every choice you make leads to a new adventure.'" I think that's pretty fitting for your week. Check it out . . . It may be exactly what you need right now. I believe in you, my friend. Can't wait to hear how it goes.
Sounds exciting, Nicole. I think it's just so great how positive you are. What an example to everyone. The best!!!!
Hope the interview goes great and you'll be settled into a new position soon.
hope all works out for you soon..hugs
Hope you had a great vacation! I need to take one of those too! :)
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