Friday, January 21, 2011


Erma Bombeck once said, "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me."

THAT's what I am talking about. I want to be thoroughly used up when it is all said and done. To me, there is nothing more sad, more pathetic than someone who does not use their God-given talents to make this world a better place.
As I was searching for inspiration for a post this morning, I did what I always do: grabbed my morning cup of coffee, sat in my pjs and robe on the day bed in the sunroom, and just read through other blog posts by people I have 'discovered' throughout the world. The song by John Legend just kept rolling through my head...

'Everybody Knows' (you can listen to it here)

That is sincerely what I hear when I am reading... "Everybody knows.. yet nobody really knows.. just how to make it work, or how to ease the hurt."

I read about one couple's battle with a special needs child; another person's spiritual journey and how a pregnancy scare really brought things into perspective; another was debating the great question - what to do post college; another is on a healthy behavior change and discussing the challenges that lay there..

I could go on and on. As you are reading these posts, you realize we are all so similar. We have hopes. We have wants. We have 'dreams.' It's the path you take that makes all the difference. I know it is all cliche, but it is 'cliche' for a reason.. b/c it happens to everyone and it is true.

Which brings me back to my own plight. I have been whiny and big ol' scardey cat about this whole transition thing. It's my process. I am embracing the possibilities and just rolling with it. I think I am giving "the situation" just too much power over me. I have to remind myself, "It is the journey, not the destination." And yes.. that last part - it will forever remain unknown. How can I know what adventures lay ahead? There is no way to guarantee even a tomorrow. All I can do is savor these moments, believe in something bigger than me, and make smart choices. Sure, I will make some mistakes... and I may fall back down on my bottom. But I have got to try harder, and just go with the flow.


I went to my cardiologist yesterday. The yearly check up - all is well, the BP was actually great, got some great tips, and was sent on my way.

It's like a free pass to try, try again.


Leanne said...

I think I realized a while ago that you use your blog in very much the same way I do - as a forum to work through your journey. I remember reading you months & months ago, wanting nothing more than to sit down and "help" you through what was going on at that time. All of a sudden, I realized....WTH, she doesn't NEED help. This is her help. Her forum. Her way to work through all of it. My dear, I'm proud to be along this journey with you, and I can't wait to the next chapter.

I love this post! Really. (And I'm not just saying that!) And ... yes, let's go shopping!! ;)

Anonymous said...

=) good stuff indeed

Rebecca said...

glad your okay and in the words of Dory "just keep swiming"

Anonymous said...

LOVED this post! We all are on a journey to some destination, no matter what form that may be in. So glad that the Doc gave you such awesome news...Hugs

Andrea said...

Love it! Nice to meet you and I'm here to follow you back! We're the reverse, right? If you do move to NYC, girl, I've got you totally covered. Completely. Seriously. 100%!

This line: "All I can do is savor these moments" - the best, so true. Thanks for sharing!


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