But still.. it lingers.
"If you see ten troubles coming down the road, you can be sure that nine will run into the ditch before they reach you. " ~ Calvin Coolidge
I am breathing.
Today IS a new day. (I keep saying it.. waiting to believe it.)
I was once told by a "wise" friend that it is more important to count your blessings than to simmer in your worries. I was also told that to take each day one step at a time.
With that being said, perhaps I should count my blessings that I know can happen today (insha allah - as the egyptian always says.. means God Willing in Arabic.)
Blessings For Today:
1. Once I leave the house, I will drink a fabulous cup of coffee.
2. I get to organize my office (which it desparately needs, and I am ready for.)
3. I love driving my little VW bug, and my ipod is fully charged.
4. I think I will listen to Journey all the way to work.
5. It's casual day at work. JEANS!
6. I have one meeting that might get a little heated, but the facts are on my side.
7. It is beautiful today.
8. I have a fun weekend planned.
9. I will pick something wonderful for lunch.
10. I will buy the peacock bracelet I saw at world market.
Simple things, but good!
"Wise are they who have learned these truths:
Trouble is temporary. Time is tonic. Tribulation is a test tube. " ~William Arthur Ward Until next time...
Happy Friday, dear! It IS a new day . . . and I'm sending you happy thoughts as you go about your day, with the hopes that they'll reach you! Hang in there!
Leanne - many many thanks! Same to you!
I always look forward to reading your posts! Today, I'm being a little superficial and need to know where you found the picture of that shirt! Truer words have never been written!
Try google images - coffee!
Great reminder to count our blessings... perspective changes when we do that! Love it!
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