Monday, February 1, 2016

Cancer Can Suck It

There is a mix of fear and relief happening right now.

I got home from my weekend trip, went to work, did my thing and headed home. But then I noticed an odd couple of FB posts from my sister.

Last night it read:

347 days to go. ‪#‎LessonLearned‬: It is only human to have a moment of fear. It is what you do after the initial moment that counts in life.

OK.. she is doing this "Lessons Learned" thing for her 39th year of life. Then today I read:

I never do this- but asking everyone for prayers/ healing thoughts for me today. Trying to stay positive right now.

That one caught my eye.

I called her.

Turns out there are some potential health issues. Not just a lump, but other symptoms.

It doesn't sound good.

But we wait. She is having tests ran now.

Here's the thing - I've been there. But my situation was different. This... the symptoms..

I just don't know. Relief comes from a selfish place - Thank God it's not me this time.
Fear comes from a place of empathy - What if?

We wait. We wait.

If you are the praying kind, please pray for her.

Or send happy, positive thoughts.

I'm a lot stronger than she is when it comes to coping, living, fighting...
She is always the nurturer.

As the older sibling, I worry. I want to protect her, but remain positive.

Here's hoping for the best. Prayer warriors - get to it now, and tell Cancer to suck it.

Then again... it could all be okay.

Until next time.

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