Saturday, July 5, 2014

Things I Have Learned This Week - Staycation Edition

Remember these? Yep - It is time to take a look back over my week. I used to post one of these each Saturday, and if I can remember to do it, I hope to try this again.

So... Here we go:

Things I Have Learned This Week
The Staycation Edition

1.  Staycation can be a trap. Work knows you are home. Friends and family know you are home, but they all also know you are on vacation. However, somehow the typical rules of vacation do not seem to exist to them. Calls and requests, people. Calls and requests. Just know - I'm not responding until Monday.

2. White girl by pool for one week = Freckles. Just lots and lots of freckles with a splash of pink.

3. I got a lot accomplished in my home. Things I simply did not have energy for any other time. That was worth 500 emails on Monday morning.

4. I don't know why I thought I would be able to sleep in. I have two cats. Cats = furry toddler-like behavior for the rest of your life. 

5.  When you are interested in someone... and they know you are on vacation.. and you are staying in town.. and they make no effort to see you - #DoNotPassGo 

6. Mopping with bleach water turned me into a screaming banshee. Cats + Bleach Water is like a moth to a flame. Stop! You're going to kill yourself! You are using up all of your nine lives!

7. I never once turned on the cable tv. Why? THERE IS NOTHING ON THE NETWORKS. Why am I paying $156 a month for this shit?
8. For the past couple of weeks, I have been watching LOST. I'm on the second season. This thing is like an onion that just won't peel!

9. At night, I am rewatching True Blood with my roomie. She is a True Blood virgin. I think I have officially gotten her into vampires. 

10. You will NOT believe what I am reading. It's terrible. Absolutely terrible writing, but because I bought/download all three books onto my Kindle about a year ago, I thought I should finally read it - The 50 Shades of Grey series. Total rubbish. Crap. But damnit, I'm going to read it and see what all of the fuss is about. S&M doesn't do it for me. Nor does this stupid chick in the book. *gag*

11. First World Problems - Keurig bit the dust - again. Thank God I had a back up espresso machine this morning.

12. I am a restless spirit. Period.

13. I reorganized my closet and realized that I have entirely too many clothes. Yes, it is possible. 

14. Also - staying home has afforded me the opportunity to plan out my life. I think I know what I need to do. Now, let's see how bad I want it. 

15. I am not sure how my roommate is able to live strictly off cereal. lol (I've never seen someone eat so much cereal.) I've also added this line to see if she even reads my posts. Ha!

16. Going down water slides repeatedly can cause your ass to ache for a week. 

17. I think I suffered from seasonal depression yesterday. Tis the season for fireworks and cookouts, and no one invited me to one. That in turn made me depressed. lol 

18. Naps are delicious. Yes, I only just learned this in my 40s.

19. I actually wore flip flops this week and I did not die. 

20. And finally, I made my peace with God. We had a long talk about how tough the past 5 years have been. I think we are back on better speaking terms. ;-) 

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