Thursday, February 27, 2014

Blog Updates!

Hello there, my super happy Destination Unknown blog readers!

(How is that for a change from my usual venting posts and greetings?) ;-)

I have some great news! I am requesting friends (and that includes YOU) to contribute to the blog for the next couple of weeks. We've done this in the past, and with great results. Basically, you send me a blog post- and the best part is, you can write about ANYTHING you want! You attach a photo or two, send me a title and the rest is magic!

Now why am I doing this?

I need to sort some things out at home. With myself. With my time. I'm working on a fitness schedule, a ballroom dance class, rearranging my furniture and making updates, as well as I plan on doing a few excursions with the photography group on the weekends (hiking and picture taking,) as well as signing up for a cooking class. My plate is full! 

It all goes back to my theme word of the year - LIVE. I'm living, and by living, I will become even more inspired to share with you what I have learned this year so far. But I have to get from behind this screen to do it.

Also, I am deep in event season at work (my most favorite, yet stressful time.) Our largest festival is coming up and I have to get on top of what I need to do to pull it off. That requires a lot of extra hours and meetings, and with your help, I can keep my blog going strong.

If you are a fellow blogger, and would like to write something, I would be more than happy to link to your blog and do a little cross promoting. Perhaps you'll pick up a few more followers!

We get crazy results with the amount of people who stop by here. You just never know!

Rest assure, all is well in my world. I have so much good coming up I just need to sort it all out. I need a little time, and if the mood strikes and I feel inspired, I'm going to share. 

Also, I love introducing you to my friends and fellow writers. 

Now, if you are interested - simplly shoot me a post to: I'll take it from there. Include a bio of sorts if you like!

Everyone is welcomed to share their personal story. If you prefer to write anonymously, that's fine also!


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