Still on the whole gratitude post kick. I will admit, I feel like I am pulling teeth trying to find things to write about. The truth is, I am happy - grateful - semi~content.
What more could I ask for?
When I look at my life as it is now, my schedule sort of says it all. I have this theory, it's one that I think you will agree with. I believe we make time for things that are important to us. Those very things are the items I have been trying to list out that I am most grateful for.
Here is basically how I spend my days:
6amish - Receive Good morning texts from someone special.
7am - Alarm goes off - I push snooze.
7:15am - Alarm goes off - I push snooze.
7:30am - Cat crawls all over me... alarm goes off.. I yell at both... then push snooze.
7:45am - I reluctantly crawl out of bed. Go to bathroom. Feed cats. Put Kcup in the Keurig. Brew coffee.
8am - Jump in shower. Don't really think about anything.
8:10am - Drink coffee... watch news.
8:20am - Might cook bacon, or grab a yogurt, or scramble an egg. If not - Head straight to ponder what to wear.
8:30am - Eat or start makeup.
8:45am - Finish makeup and blow dry hair. Put on clothes.
8:50am - Head out the door.
9am - Arrive at work. Fix another cup of coffee.
Noon - Lunch (either head home or go out with friends.)
1:30ish - WORK
5:30ish - Meetings/Extra Service projects/dance class/gym/something.. etc.
7pmish - Head home. Feed cats. Change into Tshirt and yoga pants
7:30ish - Cook dinner
8:00pm - Watch tv.. chat with roomie or boyfriend comes over
10pm - read/hot bath
11pm - bedtime.
That's a typical day.
Priorities? What do you see? What are your priorities?
1 comment:
My priorities are family first, then convenience. Sometimes I get the two mixed up (like going out west for Christmas to be with family...but it's inconvenient. It seems like an obvious choice until I start thinking about where to put my dog, traveling with an 18 month old, etc etc etc. Silly but true.)
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