Time to flash back to August 28, 2009. One of the first blog posts I ever wrote on Destination Unknown AND it was about Fall:
It is time to smell those dead leaves. What I mean by this - I want fall to arrive. Crisp air, golden and purple hues, warm sunsets, and the smell - oh the glorious smell of the leaves.
It is time to smell those dead leaves. What I mean by this - I want fall to arrive. Crisp air, golden and purple hues, warm sunsets, and the smell - oh the glorious smell of the leaves.
I feel so blessed to be able to live somewhere where we actually experience four seasons. Maybe not as glorious as some places, but living in the south we get a beautiful fall (although it is a little later down here), a cold winter (every once in a blue moon we get some snow), a magnificent spring and an blazing hot & sunny summer.
One of my faves and perhaps my absolute favorite is Autumn.
Even the energy in the air changes for me. I am so sensitive to energy and when the temps change and the colors change I become very invigorated. I can breathe deeper, I smile more - it is fascinating how the change in the seasons brings this on.
Fall even represents some other great things - the holidays. I am such a celebrant. I could find a theme and excuse to make a party for just about any day. I love love love Halloween. I love seeing all of the orange and black, picking out scary costumes, eating candy corn. Turns out, I am an awesome pumpkin carver! Seriously! I even taught a few pumpkin carving classes about 8 years ago. LOL- that is my little secret I just revealed.
I love Thanksgiving. The idea of gathering with family and making a "harvest-style" meal is fun. I can see all of the colors by this time - the golds, purples, reds, orange - warm colors that make me want to sigh.
Then we head into the glorious month of December - fall comes to an end and we celebrate with Christmas.
How can you not just adore this time of year??
It also made me think about something. The life of a leaf. The tree is barren and dormant in the winter. The it erupts with this glorious bright green in the spring - slowly shows off with a few flowers (from time to time) - then turns the darkest rich green in summer as if time has made it wise and it understands it is a part of the tree- then in fall.. right before it dies, it is the most beautiful it has ever been.
I wonder how that applies to our lives?
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