I am dog tired.
I spent the evening with some of my friends and the egyptian at a Halloween Festival in the Lakeview District here in Birmingham. Saw some really creative costumes. That's always inspiring to see the creative juices in flowing in others. I love to see the costumes that you KNOW these people spent weeks putting together. Very good showing for the most part.
I have found a way to numb my mind - "Dancing with the Stars." Yes - I know you are probably wondering why someone like me - who took decades of dance classes would just be catching on to this. The truth is, Yass and I have been cable free since late July. I have an old TV - translation - no signal. No TV. None.
I recently remembered Hulu and started watching a few items. First I watched "Mad, Mad House." This was only after stumbling upon it after a night of researching Vampires. (See - I never said I was normal Post.) Then I watched Square Pegs - an oldie but goodie - only 2 episodes of it. I did manage to watch 1 movie - Fright Night, and then began "Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas". Finally I settled on Dancing with the Stars - Season 9. Have to say, I am a fan.
I miss dancing so much. No, I will not begin to whine about my finances and how I cannot afford dance classes. But it is true. I DO miss dancing. Watching this show gave me soo much motivation to start back - again. Next goal - head back to the Fred Astaire dance studio and see what magic we can work. All after this stupid personal recession ends.
Man, - not lying - we are B-R-O-K-E these days. UAB is getting $800 a month from me. (And not by choice.) Damn the meningitis. Damn people against a public option for health care. Obviously these people have never gotten sick and have never fallen on hard times. Trust me- if they did, they would change their minds.
Speaking of health care - tomorrow is the big Renal Doppler day. I am praying for a positive outcome. I cannot imagine having to have a stent. How horrible would that be? Well - maybe I am being too dramatic, but I don't think this is where I want to head.
I have stuck to my diet for the most part. I did slip a little today. After dropping the egyptian off at work - I was STARVING - and decided to stop by Wing Zone and feed that craving I've had for a week. I bought 5 chicken wings in honey mustard sauce. Cost less than $5 - and was just 5 wings. But 5 more than I am allowed. :-(
I did exercise yesterday - I bought a Prevention Magazine DVD about a year ago - something about walking. Well - I did the routine and walked 1 mile and used 5 sets of exercises that involved weights.
Progress. But again.. I take 2 steps forward and then one step back.
But in almost 3 weeks this is the first time I slipped up - I really need to give myself a break.
I am looking forward to tackling this week. Actually I am dreading it - but I am trying to see it as a challenge and treat it as that. I have lots to work on, both personally and professionally. I can do this. I can do it all.
I almost regret saying those words. I feel like each time I try to boost myself up, something always comes along and wipes me out. Here's hoping with God's mercy I can sail through the week fairly unscathed.
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